My husband, my friend

My husband, my friend

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The day my life would never be the same again

Friday, November 12, 2011, I stood before hundreds of people in a Louisville, KY Conference Center, honored to be introducing one of CASA's(Court Appointed Special Advocates) board members to receive the award for KY CASA Board Member of the Year.  As I looked across the sea of smiling faces  my heart was warm knowing a very special woman was going to be acknowledged for her hard work,dedication, and loyalty to an organization that advocates for abused and neglected children. Little did I know my day would end on a much different note.  That warmness I felt that morning would end that evening with a cold, dark, emptiness.

I left Lousiville, KY that afternoon beginning my two hour trip home thanking the Lord for the blessings in my life. I had been forgiven for my transgressions and sins because Jesus died on the Cross for me, although, I was not worthy of his Grace. He blessed me with my husband of 14 years, two stepsons, and two beautiful girls we adopted through foster care system.  I had family, friends, church family that I loved.  I was going home to my husband  who had been  my best friend.  No one could make me laugh like him.  He was handsome, talented, compassionate.  However,  in all honesty, we had a very rough summer.  Our marriage went through some trials I never thought we would experience.  I questioned why a happy marriage took such a detour?  I questioned God why is this happening to us?  We were the couple people knew would always be together and enjoyed being together.  The past six months I did not recognize US anymore.  However, through all the doubts, questions, and confusion I kept clinging to my Heavenly Father's promises and who I knew had the answers to all my questions.  I prayed, fasted, cried, and yes, was even angry.  Whenever, I wanted to give up on my marriage the Lord clearly told me "no."   He told me no, because he knew the future, he designed the future.  He was doing so much more than restoring my marriage.  He was revealing himself to my husband in a way my husband had not yet received in his heart.  He was a believer and loved the Lord but he struggled allowing himself to be loved unconditionally by Christ.  He always felt he was "letting Christ down."  He wasn't good enough to be loved by Christ, which none of us are, but he loves us anyway.  He struggled knowing that a Holy Father could love him.  But our awesome, gracious, Father, showed my husband there was nothing he could do to earn his love.  Christ chose to love him, regardless of his actions.  My husband experienced unconditional love and grace and for that I would live those months of heartaches in our marriage all over again.  We were both working through our disappointments and finding that  "place in our hearts and marriage" again.  I was excited to get home, although, I knew he had to go to work that night.  But I wanted to see my two girls, hug my husband,  assure him everything was going to be alright.  I knew we would take one day at a time and get through whatever life had in store for us.  Well, how true this thought day at a time....whatever life has in store for us...but I was not going to be able to hug my husband, tell him  he was going to be alright. I would not be taking one day at a time with him because when I came home my husband was gone.  He was gone home to his gracious Saviour that recently revealed himself to my husband in miraculous ways.   However, he did not leave this world through a car accident, an illness, or any of  those things you would think a 48 year old man would die from. Later, we would find out he left this world being brutually assaulted by a man that we called our friend.  He was murdered the cause of death blunt head trauma.  Since there is an ongoing investigation, I can not give facts of the case or details of that night.  What I can say is I walked into my home with my two daughters.  They excitedly told me about their last 3 days at school.  They asked what was for supper?  I greeted my dog that had been left outside. I kept trying to call my husband confused why he was not answering his phone or did not pick the girls up from school.  His truck was gone, he should have been at home.  He had to go into work in a couple of  hours.   Later, I found him in our bedroom, and found a scene that I still can not block  from my mind.  My life quickly went into slow motion and I wanted to hit "rewind."   I did hug my husband as I looked forward to doing but there was no life in him.   I begged God for it to not be so.  I screamed my husband's name over and over.  There was no response from my husband only my daughters wails from the other room since I locked the door so they would not see this horrific sight.  I can not imagine what these girls only 10 and 6 years old thought hearing my cries of shock from the bedroom.  There are no words to express how you see something, feel something, experience something, but you are numb.  It is as if you are watching someone else's video play before you and you do not realize it is actually your life!  I think it is the brain's way of shutting down because if in the instance you realize it is your life, you feel the full extent of what is happening, I truly believe your heart could stop from the enormous weight of the pain.  I think it was God's way of giving me another breath, to take a step outside that room, leave my husband, and make that e that 911 call.  However, I did not even know what I was calling about.  I thought it was suicide.  I realize now the shock I must have been experiencing.  I know my husband would have never taken his life in our home for me and our girls to find him that way.  Plus, the extent of his injuries could not have been self inflicted and was not a gun shot wound as I perceived. But you see my brain could not fathom that someone did this to my husband.  That this was intentional on someone else's part.  My husband was one of the most loving and forgiving people I knew.  He did not have enemies.  He found good in everyone.  Who would have so much evil in them to take the life of anyone, especially someone like my husband?  I still do not have the answer to this question, WHY?  I feel I will never know the answer except to know we live in a fallen, wicked world full of sin.  It is moments like this that we must recognize Satan does seek to kill and destroy God's creation.  He hates us and will stop at nothing to destroy us.  However, regardless of the evil infllicted on my husband and our family, Satan is not victorious.  He may have meant to destroy my husband but as Paul said in the Bible "Having a desire to depart and be with Christ is far better."  I know my husband is far better than any of us still living in this evil, sinful world.  Although, my spiritual being knows this my carnal being aches for my husband's presence.  I want to look into his blue green eyes and hear that infectious laugh.  I want to listen to him strum his guitar and write another song.  I want to be blessed to see him minister to others that suffer from addictions.  I want to hear him give his testimony once again.  I want to feel his warm hands again so I will not recall the day his hands were cold, gray, and lifeless.  I want to know he will see my youngest daughter accept Christ and be baptized like he did our 10 year old daughter weeks before he died.  I want to attend my stepson's graduation with him.  I want to see him hold his new grandbaby in his arms.  I want him to escort our girls down the aisle on their wedding day.  I want to look at him across the room with our gray hair, glasses, and stooped over bodies and know a long life with him was good.  If  he had to leave this world before me I wanted to have time to tell him goodbye, be by his side when he took his last breath, not wonder how scared he was when he had to look evil in the eye and face his death alone.  My hope and peace is that he experienced what Stephen did in the bible when he was being stoned.  That the heavens opened up and he did not see a room full of violence and bloodshed but the glorious light of our Savior.  I trust in knowing regardless of what those last minutes of his life were like he now has no memory of that pain because he is in the presence of Christ.  He is living the lyrics of a song he often sang to others "It will be worth it after all."  I want all these things but for some reason some just where not God's plan.   Do I think God wants us to experience this kind of magnitude of evil, of course not.  But he is sovereign, has the final authority, over life and death.  Even if this is hard to accept it is the truth and what the word of God plainly says.  My life verse was Romans 8:28 which I will paraphrase "all things work to the good to those who love the Lord according to his purpose."  This scripture was easy to live by until I had to face my two young daugters and tell them their daddy was gone.  When they asked how, why, who and eventually through a police investigation would find out it was man that claimed to be a friend and a Christian.  A man that had been in our home with them and their daddy the past few days "hanging out with them" while mommy was out of town.  Litttle did any of us know evil literally lurked among us.  Although, this is true I also see where the Lord had his hand of protection on my daughters and me  before my husband's death, but it was my husband's time to leave this world.  It seems too early to me and all of us that loved him so much.  But just as God gives us life he also allows death.  I wait for the scripture of John 16:22 to be evident "Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you."   I take each day as a gift from God even among the pain and heartache.  I ask him to  draw me closer to him and further from the sin that caused the evil act that day in my home.  I plea for him to take this terrible tragedy and minister to someone, reveal himself through this tragedy, through me, through Scott's life and death, and know my husband's death would not be in van.  I ask YOU  reading this blog now  to sincerly ask the Lord to reveal himself to you whether it be the first time or in a new way.  Because when he does it is more evident who he is; the Author and Finisher of Life.  I just shared with you the darkess day of my life.  However, if you take the time to follow my blogs, I will also share with you God's golden nuggets.  The pieces of his devine plan that gets me through each day.  His mysterious but amazing ways he has other's paths to cross mine so we can share our life stories and pray for each other.  I can share with you that I do not know why my family had to experience this loss but I know God is with me and will never leave us or forsake us for he is our Shephard and we his sheep he will protect.  If you are not his sheep, I pray today he will ask you to join his flock and you will come.


  1. Vikki, My heart breaks as I read about the day Scott died. Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts. I have never had someone killed in that manner, but have lost loved ones in accidents and thru illness and I wondered as you said how our hearts can continue to beat with the weight of pain and despair of that loss. God has a great plan for you and I praise him for giving you the strength to share with us. Love you my sweet friend.

  2. Vikki, Thank you for sharing your story and I know that no matter how dark the days may seem that you have God walking beside you and in you and that's all that matters! I can't imagine how you feel but I hope you know that you have many people out there praying for you and your little girls.

  3. Vikki Thank you for sharing your heart, I am trying to type this through tears, I admire your faith, it's hard for me to understand, how anyone could have taken the life of such a nice person, but your Blog gave me a little nugget to hold on to, and I do look forward to reading more of what God has taught you, Love Ya Vikki, and you and the kids are constantly in my prayers
